
Welcome to the Parents for Inclusive Education (PIE) Blog!! We are very excited to be up and running and happy you came to check us out.

As you may know, PIE is a group of parents, advocates and professionals in New York City who are working to advocate for more inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities in the City’s public school system. To learn more about our work, check out the other sections of this blog.

We hope to use PIE’s  blog as a way for parents to communicate with one another about what is happening with students with disabilities in schools. We also hope to use it as a way to discuss different topics.

To start the conversation, we are asking parents to share their stories about working effectively with teachers. Knowing that you have a unique perspective about  your child, but a teacher might know him/her differently, how have you developed a mutually respectful relationship with the teacher? What strategies have you found helpful? What strategies would you not recommend? What are some things that teachers have done that are extremely helpful or hurtful?

Please share your thoughts. Read the thoughts of fellow parents.  Let’s communicate!!!

Remember, please DO NOT use any specific names!!!