
Welcome to the website of Parents for Inclusive Education (PIE).  We are a New York City based group of parents, advocates and professionals working to improve inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities in our public school system.  Formed in 1997 and with members throughout the five boroughs, PIE is the only the only group in New York City dedicated solely to advocating for the inclusion of students with disabilities. We use a variety of advocacy tools to effectuate change within the NYC Department of Education

PIE’s goals:

  • Promote all New York City schools to be accessible to all students with disabilities
  • Advocate for the Department of Education to promote a policy of inclusion throughout the school system.
  • Encourage training for all Department of Education employees on the effective methods of including students with disabilities.
  • Ensure that all Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and allocated resources promote the goal of inclusion.

PIE maintains a listserv to keep members informed of our activities.  Our membership also meets a few times each school year to discuss initiatives, listen to guest speakers and provide parents an opportunity to meet one another to share stories and experiences.  New members are always welcome.

To join PIE’s listserv or receive more information about PIE, please email Jackie Okin Barney.  In the meantime, take a look around our website to learn about some of our current projects and upcoming events.

Download PIE’s one-pager to share with others